Yes! Premium-domain SOUVENIRS.MOSCOW now is for sale!

The premium domain name SOUVENIRS.MOSCOW looks great in print advertising, catchy to the ear and can be a priceless tool in marketing your website or business. This premium domain name has a 100% match to popular keyword, you can experience improved search results. Search engines love such domain names. Don’t believe? Easy to prove! Here is an example. Use Yandex or Google to make one of the search queries — фрезеровка фанеры, фрезеровка москва or shortest one фрезеровка. Oh no, just look at this! Website ФРЕЗЕРОВКА.МОСКВА is on the top!

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Domain Zone Information

.MOSCOW and .МОСКВА (IDN TLD can be translated “Moscow”) – top-level domains (TLDs) intended for Russian capital. The .MOSCOW and. МОСКВА extensions are aimed at the enhancement Moscow visibility on the Internet, creation of its online brand, attraction of additional audience to the websites related to the city. For those who do business in Moscow and the Moscow region. For those who want, whatever his business was associated with innovations, dynamism and success.


Regional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CENTER.